
The 3 Types of Criminal Cases in California

There are three types of criminal cases in California: infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. They cover different offenses and there are different potential penalties for each. If you’re unsure as to which is which, here’s a rundown of the three...

Cannabis: What Is and Isn’t Legal in Orange County CA

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, has been decriminalized in California for several years now. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t be arrested and charged with a cannabis crime in California. Knowing what’s legal and what’s not when it comes...

Defenses Against Charges of Identity Theft in California

Identity theft is a growing problem in California. According to the latest statistics from the Insurance Information Institute, there were 391,517 reports of identity theft in California in 2021. Identity theft costs victims and businesses billions each year. In...

Assault and Battery: What’s the Difference Under California Law?

The phrase “assault and battery” doesn’t refer to a single offense, but two. The two words are often used together because in most cases, offenders are charged with both. However, under California law assault and battery are two separate crimes...

Defenses Against Embezzlement Charges in Orange County CA

If you’ve been charged with embezzlement in Orange County, CA, it’s important to take immediate steps to protect your rights. Embezzlement and other white-collar crimes are taken very seriously in California. Depending on the circumstances, you could find...

The Four Types of Vehicular Manslaughter in Orange County California

Nobody wants to be involved in a car accident. Car accidents can cause thousands of dollars in property damage as well as severe, sometimes fatal injuries to those involved. The at-fault driver could be on the hook to pay for both property and personal injury damages....

Why Hire An Orange County Traffic Ticket Attorney?

Even a “minor” violation of the state’s vehicle codes, like speeding, distracted driving, tailgating, or failing to make a full stop, can have a major impact on your life. Don’t pay a ticket just to make it go away. If you received a ticket for...

Defenses Against Shoplifting Charges in California

California state law defines shoplifting as entering a commercial establishment during regular open business hours with the intent to commit larceny, where the value of the property that is taken or intended to be taken does not exceed nine hundred fifty dollars...